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Stop wasting your time with hard-to-use CRMs and overwhelming spreadsheets.

Managing contacts for your small business can be easy as peanuts.

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Are you pulling your hair out in frustration because your CRM is so annoying and hard to use? Are the bells and whistles getting in your way and stressing you out?

Or have you given up on using CRM completely?

Maybe you’ve started using a spreadsheet instead because they’re simple and easy to use.

But the lack of reminders and clumsy note-taking is causing you and your team to get overwhelmed and forget about things…
Show me the solution
Man overwhelmed by spreadsheet

I know exactly how you feel

Hi, my name is Kyani and I know exactly how you feel, I’ve been there myself. For years, I looked for a tool to help me and my team keep track of our contacts.

I tried so many CRMs…

Hubspot, Salesforce, Pipedrive, Dex,... You name them. I’ve tried sooo many CRMs and all of them are either too hard to use or they don’t work for teams.

And it feels like the CRMs that are made for teams where made with big enterprise in mind.

They’re cluttered with complex bells and whistles that only get in your way.

It honestly feels like teams like yours and mine are “second class” to them.

They’re so focussed on enterprise that we’re just an afterthought.

“Just another number” Right?
Woman overwhelmed by CRM

Then I tried spreadsheets…

You might have tried spreadsheets as well… They seem like a good way to keep track of your contacts, right?

They’re so simple and easy to use that anybody can do it. You just click and start adding information or edit something.

But as you might have found out the hard way, they get cluttered really fast. It just feels overwhelming and you can’t even create simple reminders or tasks.

Cluttered spreadsheets
And there’s no easy way to keep track of interactions with your contacts.

So even though they seemed like a good idea at first, they don’t really work either.

So what now?

None of them work… So what now?

Using a CRM is way too hard and spreadsheets get overwhelming. But you and your team still need to keep track of your business’ contacts.

If you’re like me, you just need to keep track of simple things like:
  • Contact details
    • Phone numbers
    • Birthdays & anniversaries
    • Maybe the name of someone's spouse (or cat)
  • Keep track of interactions
    • Did Debby call your supplier yet?
    • When was the last time you reached out to Bob?
  • Notes
    • A few bullet points on what you talked about with Debby
    • An idea you have that could help your customer
  • Reminders
    • Don’t forget to send your supplier that file you promised
    • Reach out to your Debby again in 2 weeks
    • Stay in touch with Bob every 3 months

But you don't want bells and whistles

You need to keep track of your contacts but you don’t want bells and whistles to get in your way, like:
  • Complex sales automation
  • CRM pipelines you can't escape
  • Enterprise level email marketing
  • Complex compliance features
  • Sales territory planning
  • Developer tools
  • Sales Cadences
  • Opportunity Scoring
  • Advanced reporting features
Woman overwhelmed by CRM

I, like many of you need something simple that just works

After hours of searching — and I mean +60 hours — I still couldn’t find a tool that was right.

And after talking to other business owners, I realized a lot of them had the exact same struggle I had.

They need a simple tool to keep track of their business’ contacts, without bells and whistles getting in their way. Or getting overwhelmed by clutter.

Then I talked to Robert. He’s an expert software engineer who’s been creating easy-to-use software for over 30 years now.

complex tv remote
And he’s helped over 20.000 small businesses become more successful by building simple tools for them.

When I told him about CRMs, he said they reminded him of the average TV remote…
“They both have a gazillion buttons that nobody needs or uses. (Except the engineers who build it of course)"

And if you accidentally press the wrong button, the trouble begins...

You’ll get stuck in some complex settings screen that might as well have been written in Martian. Sound familiar?

But then he said…

But what if your TV remote (or CRM) looked like this

By default, you only see the buttons that you use all the time.

So you don’t have to navigate through a maze of bells and whistles to find the things you need.

And you don’t have to worry about pressing the wrong button either.
simple tv remote with sliding panel
But just in case you need something more advanced every now and then, all the other buttons are still available. You just have to slide open the panel.

That would be perfect! Right?

Isn’t that exactly what a CRM should be like?

Imagine a tool where you can easily keep track of your contacts, without bells and whistles cluttering your screen. And without getting overwhelmed.
Woman with simple CRM
Something that’s simple and easy to use, so you won’t get frustrated trying to get the tool to do what you want it to.

But with more advanced features available when — and only when — you actually want to use them. Just like that simple TV remote."

So you can focus on what really matters and grow your revenue without hassle and frustration.

Too bad that doesn’t exist… Until now!

Robert and I decided to do something about it, and we became business partners. We reimagined what a tool should look like to help businesses like yours and mine, not big enterprise.

So we boiled down what managing your contacts is really all about, and built Peanutz Contact Manager.

A tool that’s as simple and intuitive to use as a spreadsheet. But with the core features of a good CRM, without any bells and whistles getting in your way.
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Easy and intuitive to use

Peanutz is simple and intuitive to use because it’s made with you and me in mind. It’s not made for big enterprise. It’s made for businesses like yours and mine, and that’s why it’s easy as peanuts.
Team without stress
Stop getting frustrated
Stop fighting your CRM/spreadsheet, trying to get it to do what you want it to.

When you start using Peanutz, you’ll stop getting frustrated and stressed out. And you’ll get your peace back.
Save valuable time
Just imagine all the time you’ll save every week because you don’t have to search through old emails and texts when you have to find important information about a contact.
Woman saving time
Peanutz contact manager cloud
Everything in one place
Let’s be honest, right now your team might still secretly be using sticky notes because your CRM is just too hard to use.

Peanutz brings an end to that. So you can trust that all your important information is in one place.
No more frustration
You and your team will actually enjoy work a lot more. Why? Because from now on it will be way less frustrating and overwhelming.

(And as a side effect, people will stick around longer and you’ll build a stronger team!)
Team with simple CRM
Woman with simple CRM
Get more done in less time
Get more done in less time. Stop wasting your time trying to use complex tools that were made for big enterprise.

Peanutz is made with you in mind, so you can focus on what matters.
Save time training new hires
And when your business is growing faster than you expected, you’ll save loads of time training new hires.

Because you won’t have to spend 20 hours training them on how to use your CRM or spreadsheet. Peanutz is so easy, they can get going in minutes, not hours.
Team with simple CRM
Team of two
Easy for the entire team
Never again get interrupted by a co-worker, only to spend the next half an hour helping them get something done in your CRM/spreadsheet.

Peanutz is so easy they won’t need your help anymore. But just in case they do, our support team will be right there to help them.

Try it yourself

Signing up takes less than 20 seconds. Click the button below to try it yourself.
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Share contacts with your team

You can easily share contact details and important information with your entire team. So the next time you need someone's phone number, you don’t have to ask three different co-workers or look through old emails.
Increase productivity
Instead of everyone sitting on their own little “island” of tools and information, you’ll see better flow in your teamwork.

That way everyone becomes more productive, and you’ll increase your revenue.
Stop wasting time
You’ll save loads of time because all your important information is in one place.

And you can stop your wasting time searching through old emails and texts.
Woman sharing contacts

Collaborate with your team & guests

Stop wasting time emailing back and forth with co-workers. Peanutz makes it incredibly easy to work together with your team and outside guests.
Add people to anything
Easily add the right people to tasks, notes, contacts,... so you can make sure they won’t forget about them.

(Don’t worry, you don’t have to add people to notes, tasks or anything else if you don’t want to)
Woman adding team to task
Woman productive with CRM
Get more done
Stop wasting your time emailing back and forth with co-workers. Next time there’s something you need to know, just look it up in Peanutz.

That way everyone saves time and gets more done.
Protect sensitive information
You decide who can see what. So you can easily work together with your team and guest, without revealing sensitive information or having to worry about privacy issues.
Protected information

See it for yourself

See for yourself how easy it is to collaborate with others in Peanutz.
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Guest accounts

Working with freelancers, consultants, and other “outsiders” can be a hassle when they need access to your tools. So we made sure it’s really simple with Peanutz.
Person adding team to CRM
Invite guests without any hassle
All we ask for is:
  1. Their name
  2. Their email
That’s it.
Protect sensitive information
You can easily restrict what individual guests can see and/or edit.

So you don’t have to worry about privacy or sharing confidential information.

Easily set reminders

Remember the time before you had to juggle a million things. When your mind was clear, and you could really be present in the moment. That was awesome right?

But if you’re like me, you’ve probably lost that peace somewhere along the line. But don’t worry, I’m going to help you get that peace back.
Get your peace back
Get your mental clarity back and stop overloading your brain.

Next time there’s something you don’t want to forget, simply create a reminder for it.
Person with peace
Relaxed man
Avoid burnout
Stop overloading your brain and reduce the risk of burnout. Just let Peanutz do the heavy lifting for you.
Show you're reliable
Become more successful by showing people they can rely on you. Strong businesses and partnerships are built on trust.

So when you show people you never forget to make good on your promises, they’ll trust you with more and more of their business.
Successful man
Recurring reminders in CRM
Recurring reminders
Stop wasting time creating that same reminder over and over and over and… well you get the point.

With Peanutz you can just create a recurring reminder.
Never forget anything
You’ll never again have that uneasy feeling that there’s something you forgot about, but can’t remember what.

From now on, you can be sure Peanutz will remind you of anything that's important.
Woman with CRM reminder

Get your peace back

Signing up takes less than 20 seconds. Click the button below, so you can get your peace back.
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Get reminded to stay in touch

Let’s be honest, we both know you should be building your network and taking care of it… But it’s easy to let it slip. That’s why we created “stay-in-touch reminders” to help you stay connected with the people that are important to your business.
Woman with calendar
Timing that works for you
Get reminded to stay in touch regularly. All you have to do is set the automatic stay-in-touch reminder to notify you every...
  • Every X days
  • Every X weeks
  • Every X months
  • On a random date
Boost your reputation
You’ll come across as thoughtful and create a strong reputation for yourself and your business.

And as a bonus, people will come to like you more.
Woman with good reputation
Deal being made
Sell more
If you’re in sales, you know that more opportunities = more sales.

And staying in touch regularly is the perfect way to get more opportunities. So you can boost your sales without much effort.
Increase your revenue
You’ll make sure you’re the one who comes to mind when a potential customer needs what you offer.

Because when people need something, they’ll usually think of (and call) the last person they spoke to who sells what they need.

So you can easily make sure you sell more and increase your revenue.
Chart of revenue increase
Team relaxing in hammock
Free your brain & relax
You can relax and free your brain from having to remember:
  • Who to stay in touch with
  • When you last spoke to them
  • When you should reach out again

Birthday & anniversary reminders

A great way to show your contacts that you care is by wishing them a happy birthday or congratulating them on an important anniversary. They’ll appreciate it, and remember your gesture.
Always remember special dates
Easily improve your relationships by remembering birthdays and important anniversaries.

It’s a great way to stand out from the other people they know. (Like your competitors)
Easy as Peanutz
You often don’t know someone’s exact age, and it can be rude to ask.

So we made sure that you can get reminded of their birthday based on just the month and day. Even if you don’t know the year they were born.

Unlike most CRMs that demand to know the exact date before they’ll be of any use to you.
Birthday cake

Always remember birthdays

Sign up so you'll never again forget about someone's birthday.
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Track your contact interactions

Stop guessing when you last saw someone, or what you talked about a while ago. In Peanutz you can easily keep track of all your contact interactions.
Woman guessing
No more guesswork
You can easily find the important details of what you talked about a while ago.

So you don’t have to guess or search through old emails and text messages.
Quickly find what you need
Quickly remember when you last reached out to someone.

So your morning doesn’t turn into detective work, and you can avoid awkward situations where you pretend to remember something you don’t.
Woman saving time
People agreeing
Easily prevent arguments
Easily prevent arguments with customers and suppliers.

If you’re not sure what you agreed on a few months ago, just look at the contact’s interaction history.

Quick contact summaries

Quickly get up to date & save valuable time “in the moment” when you’re running late for a meeting, or someone calls you out of the blue. Just look at a few bullet points to know the who, what, & when in less than 15 seconds.

From now on, you’re always prepared. No matter the situation.
Person looking at contact summary
Get up to date in 15 seconds
Get up to date on important information like past interactions, notes, reminders, and more in just 15 seconds.

All you have to do is:
  1. Search for their (company) name in the tool
  2. Click on their (company) name
  3. Read the bullet point summary, which takes less than 15 seconds
That's it.
Avoid awkward situations
You’ll never again have to go into a meeting without knowing exactly what it’s about.

Even if you’re running late! So you can avoid those awkward situations.
Man with confidence
Some's cat
Come across thoughtfully
Stop overloading your brain, trying to remember everything there is to know about a person.

From their cat’s name to when your next meeting is. Just let Peanutz do the remembering for you.

Try it yourself

Signing up takes less than 20 seconds. Click the button below to try it yourself.
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Notes that are to the (bullet) point

Make quick and easy notes, so you won’t forget about important details. And you can stop overloading your brain trying to remember everything.
Woman with short notes
Save time reading & writing
Save time writing and reading notes by leveraging the power of bullet points.

I know it can be tempting to make lengthy notes, but let’s be honest, your team is way more likely to read them if you keep them short and to the (bullet) point
Add notes to anything
Easily add notes to contacts, tasks, or interactions to make sure you never forget any important details. (You can create stand-alone notes as well)
Man with notes and tasks
Woman saving time
Make it easy to scan
Make it easy to scan through your notes by highlighting the most important parts, or by making them bold or italic.

Tasks related to contacts

See all your tasks relating to a person or company in one app. So you don’t have to waste time switching between tools, and can get more done.
Get your peace back
You will get your peace back when you stop overloading your brain, trying to remember everything.

Next time there’s something you have to take care of, just create a task in Peanutz.
Woman at peace
Man with recurring tasks
Recurring tasks
Stop wasting time creating that same task over and over and over again. With Peanutz you can just create a recurring task.
Become more successful
Get trusted with more and bigger responsibilities because people know they can rely on you. 

Remember, strong businesses and relationships are built on trust. And by using tasks, you can show them you’re a promise keeper.
Successful man with CRM

Peace in 20 seconds

See for yourself how easy it is to get your peace back. Click the button below to sign up.
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Works across your devices

Your contacts, notes, and tasks,... are synced across all your devices. So you can get access to important information whenever, and wherever you want.
Man with CRM on bench
Easy access on the go
Just open the Peanutz app to see any important notes, tasks, or other contact information.
Make your life easier
You won’t have to get off the couch if a spark of inspiration strikes you.

Just set a reminder on your phone and see it pop up on your computer or tablet when you’re ready to take action.
Peanutz on multiple devices

Automatic backups

All your data is safely backed up on our servers. So even if you lose your phone and laptop or Mac, you won't lose any of your data.
Woman with CRM backup in cloud
Secure backups
Relax, knowing that all your important data is safely backed up to our servers.
Never lose your data
Even if you lose your phone and laptop or Mac, you still won’t lose any important information. Because it’s all safely backed up on our servers.

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Signing up takes less than 20 seconds. Click the button below to try it yourself.
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Works offline

It even works offline, without an internet connection. Which means you can use Peanutz whenever and wherever you want.
Woman with offline acces to CRM
Bad connection? No problem
You can see and edit contacts, notes, tasks… even when you have slow internet or no connection at all.

And all the changes you make will automatically be synced with your other devices when you get back online.
Works on the plane & subway
This can be a lifesaver when you need to look up something important at a conference with slow wifi. Or when you’re on a plane or subway.

No lock-in

I don’t like lock-in either. And I’m convinced we don’t need to lock you in… Because once you’ve tried Peanutz, you’ll never want to leave. But just in case, you’re free to leave without any hassle or surprises.
Woman moving things away
Real freedom
  • You can easily export your data at any time
  • No long-term contracts
  • No surprises

Because we don’t believe in lock-in.

Nothing to lose

Try it yourself. Signing up takes less than 20 seconds.
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No bells and whistles getting in your way. Ever.

Peanutz is clean, easy and simple to use right out the box. By default you’ll only see the buttons you use all the time.

Just like that simple TV remote. Because we built it with you in mind, not big enterprise.

But what about pipelines, deals, tickets,...?

Don’t worry, I know some of your co-workers might really need those advanced features.

So if you want features like deals, tickets or pipelines, all you have to do is go into settings and activate them.

Until then they won’t show up on your screen. That way you can keep it simple, or make it as advanced as you like.

So you and your team can focus, enjoy work and get more done, without bells and whistles getting in your way. And without frustration and way less stress.

Doesn’t that sound a lot better than what you have right now?
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Still using CRM?

If you’re still using a CRM, don’t you think it’s...
Woman overwhelmed by CRM
Too complex and hard to use
Costing you too much money
Annoying because of the bells and whistles getting in your way
Costing you too much time to do simple things
Holding your business back from growing
Outdated and inefficient
Causing stress and taking the enjoyment out of your work
Costing you too much time when you’re training a new co-worker
Cluttered CRM
If you said yes to any of these questions, don’t you think it’s time to challenge your status quo?
Challenge your status quo

Still using spreadsheets?

Are you still using spreadsheets? If so, don't you think it's annoying that...
You can’t conveniently track interactions with contacts
You can’t set reminders
You can’t get desktop or phone notifications
Man overwhelmed by spreadsheet
Decreasing revenue
You can’t share (limited) access with guests like freelancers or consultants
It’s costing you too much time to manage your contacts
You have to trust that new co-workers won’t accidentally mess it up (And if they do, you might only find out months later. And it will cost you hours of distracting “detective” work)
You can’t create notes longer than 5 words without messing up your entire layout.
It’s costing you too much time and money when you’re training a new co-worker
Inefficient work
If you said yes to any of these questions, don’t you think it’s time to challenge your status quo?

Challenge your status quo

Stop wasting your time and money on complex CRMs and overwhelming spreadsheets. Save time and money instead while getting rid of hassle and pointless frustration across your team.

Start using Peanutz so you can...
Successful man
Easily share contacts with your team
Automatically get reminded to stay in touch with important contacts. So you’ll keep your network strong and alive and become more successful because of it
Easily track interactions, so you don’t have to remember when you last spoke to someone, or what was said
Rely on quick summaries to get up to date in less than 15 seconds. (So you’ll never again awkwardly sit in a meeting, not knowing what it’s about)
Make it more fun and rewarding to work in your business
Make notes that are to the (bullet) point, so you and your team can get access to important information quickly, without having to sift through any clutter
Productive woman
Increasing revenue with simple CRM
Lower the risk of burnout by reducing stress and getting rid of the hassle and pointless frustration in your team
Stop using your brain as an information dumpsite and get your peace back.
Get more done and increase your revenue by creating (recurring) tasks in Peanutz
Never again forget about anything important. When there’s something you don’t want to forget you can just create a (recurring) reminder for it
Work with guests, like freelancers or consultants, without any hassle
Quickly find what you’re looking for thanks to easy filtering and searching
Recurring reminders in CRM
Woman saving time with simple CRM
Save hours on training new co-workers… Peanutz is so easy they can get started in minutes, not hours
Save loads of money when you’re training new co-workers
Stop worrying about new hires making a mistake. You can easily look at the version history of a contact/company, notes, tasks,... and undo any mistakes
Focus on growing your business, instead of fighting a tool trying to get it to do what you want it to
All that without ever getting locked in, thanks to our easy export function, no long-term contracts, and our no-questions-asked guarantee
And without bells and whistles getting in your way
Woman with mental peace

What do you think? Isn't it about time?

Make it easy and simple to manage your contacts by switching to Peanutz. That way you’ll save valuable time, money, hassle, and lots of frustration.

Don’t you think it’s time to challenge your status quo?
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The price everyone else will pay

My team and I put a lot of effort into building an amazing tool for you. Because we know it’s tough to run your business if you’re using tools built for big enterprise.

It's like running a race, and you’re giving it your all. But no matter how hard you try, you can’t win because your shoes don’t fit.
That’s why we built Peanutz. To give you “shoes” that fit.

So you can run, overcome your challenges and win your race.

But we can’t do it for free. At least not completely. Because I want to make sure you get a great tool.
Man standing out from crowd
Instead of a duck-taped tool that “kinda works.” You can’t win your race on flip-flops either.

So what’s a fair price to help you save time, money, hassle, and frustration so you can become more successful?

After I analyzed over 70 competitors and looked at our costs for support, development, servers, and marketing.

I figured $19/month would be a fair, affordable price. Which would allow me and my team to build a great tool to help you become more successful.

Why you’re getting 53% off

But after talking with a few small business owners, I realized this price might scare some of them away, before they could really experience the value Peanutz will add to their business.

That’s why I decided to temporarily lower the price to just 9/month. Which means that if you get it now, you’ll save 53% forever!*

No that’s not a typo, this discount will be applied forever if you start your free trial today… So you’ll keep saving and saving and saving…

And to make the deal even better, I’ll give you 3 special bonuses worth $114 for free! (You can read more about your free bonuses below)
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*You’ll get 53% off the yearly plan. The discount for the monthly plan is 50%.

Get the essentials for free

But I know that when you’re just starting out, every penny counts. I get it, I’ve been there too.

So if you’re just getting started, I’ll help you out by offering the basics for free. That way you won’t have to pay a single penny.
And when your business has grown into a team, you can easily change to the paid version without losing any data.

But even if you never upgrade, this plan is free forever.

So you’ve got nothing to worry about.
Man ready for race

Try it yourself with a 14-Day free trial

I’ve told you how Peanutz will help you save time and money while growing your revenue and improving your relationships. While decreasing hassle, stress, and pointless frustration. But don’t just take my word for it…

Take the next 14 days to try all our paid features for free, with as many people from your team as you’d like. Without any restrictions.

You’ll get to experience for yourself just how simple and easy it is to manage your contacts in Peanutz. Without any stress or frustration.
Take your time to compare it with your current tool, and you’ll see that it will save you loads of time and hassle.

And we don’t even ask for a credit card, so if you’re not convinced Peanutz is right for you, there’s nothing to cancel.
Person receiving free gift
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Hate subscriptions?

I don’t like subscriptions either. Our competitors like Hubspot, Salesforce and Copper easily charge $276 to $3600 a year.

But I decided to do something that’s a little different… I’ll temporarily offer you a lifetime deal.

And it’s up to 90% cheaper than what you’d pay for my competitors' subscriptions. Which means you’ll save more money than if you were to skip Thanksgiving dinner and wait outside a store in the freezing cold, so you could get the best Black Friday deal.

So why am I doing this???

I want to use the money to tell more people about Peanutz. But even if you don’t go for the lifetime deal, you’ll still save 53%!

Either way, you win.

Pricing & discounts

Start using Peanutz so you can save valuable time and money. While getting rid of useless hassle and frustration. Start your free trial by clicking any of the buttons below.
New Business
Team of 1-2
Businesses starting out
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No credit card required
Easily switch to paid later
Business Booster
Team of +3
Boost your revenue
per mo
per user
Limited time offer
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No credit card required
90-day-money-back guarantee
Lifetime Deal
Team of +3
Free lifetime updates
per user
Limited time offer
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No credit card required
90-day-money-back guarantee

Get 3 special bonuses for free (worth $114)

And on top of saving 53-90%, I’ll also give you these 3 special bonuses (worth $114) for free!

Your 1st bonus (worth $89, yours free)

Done-for-you import of your contact data
Switching to a new tool can be a hassle because you have to transfer all your contact data. But to help you get started with Peanutz, my team and I will do it for you.
Done for you import of your contact data
That way you won’t lose important information about your contacts.

And you’ll save loads of time because you won’t have to go through the hassle of importing everything yourself.

Your 2nd bonus (worth $15, yours free)

The “Grow your sales with business cards nobody will forget” eBook
This eBook will show you why business cards are still important today and how they can have a huge impact on your sales (pages 12-16).

With 24 inspiring examples of unique business cards and expert tips to help you make your own card nobody will forget (pages 18-48 & pages 49-52).
You’ll learn about the 10 most common mistakes people make when creating business cards, and how you can avoid them (pages 53-59).

With a handy checklist at the end to help you create a unique card that will increase your sales and grow your revenue. (page 62)
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eBook grow your sales with business cards nobody will forget

Your 3rd bonus (worth $20, yours free)

Double votes for new features
All our customers can suggest and vote for new features. But if you sign up today, I’ll give you the power of double votes.

That means your vote counts for two, and you’ll get a bigger say in what Peanutz should look like going forward.

That way, we’ll become better and better at helping you and your business become more successful.
Free bonus double votes
But keep in mind, I’ll only offer this bonus for a limited time. So sign up now and double your votes forever.

And don’t worry, even though we love hearing everyone's ideas, we promise Peanutz will never get bloated with bells and whistles.

Simplicity is in our DNA and that will never change.

How you can claim your bonuses

All you have to do to receive your free bonuses (worth $114), is upgrade to one of our paid plans.

But what about the free trial? Don’t worry, if you’re not sure yet if Peanutz is the right fit, you can take full advantage of the free trial. We don’t even ask for a credit card.

And once you’ve had the opportunity to try Peanutz and experience just how simple and easy it really is.

I’m sure you’ll never want to leave. And you’ll get your free bonuses (worth $114) right after upgrading to a paid plan.
Start my free trial
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No credit card required
Signup in less than 20s
90 day money back guarantee

No questions asked guarantee

I am convinced Peanutz will help you manage your contacts without any stress or frustration. So you and your team can focus on growing your business.

And to show you I really believe that, I invite you to put all of the risk on me by offering our 90-day-money-back guarantee.
90-day-money-back guarantee
If you’re not convinced Peanutz easily pays for itself, or if you aren’t satisfied for any reason, you won’t be left holding the bag.

Just send an email to and you’ll get your money back right away. No questions asked. And no hassle.
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No credit card required
Signup in less than 20s

No lock-in

We don’t like lock-in either. And we’re convinced that once you've tried Peanutz, you'll never want to leave…. But just in case you’re free to leave without any hassle or surprises.
Nothing to lose
  • You can easily export your data at any time
  • No long-term contracts
  • No surprises

Because we don’t believe in lock-in.

Woman moving things away
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No credit card required
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What are you waiting for?

I’ll be able to manage my contacts without bells and whistles getting in my way
I’ll get rid of stress and frustration across my team and reduce the risk of burnout
I’ll get reminded to stay in touch with my important contacts, and become more successful because of it
I’ll be able to rely on quick summaries to get up to date in less than 15 seconds
I’ll be able to keep track of interactions with contacts easily, so I won’t forget anything important
I won’t have to pay the regular $19/month price
I’ll get 3 free bonuses worth $114
I’ve got nothing to lose thanks to the 90-day-money-back guarantee
Signing up takes less than 20 seconds, and it doesn't even require a credit card. So if I don't like it, I don't need to cancel anything
Start my free trial
no credit card required
No credit card required
Signup in less than 20s

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the paid version worth it?

Yes, 100% guaranteed. If you’re not convinced Peanutz pays for itself, we’ll refund your entire payment right away.

You can try the paid version for free by signing up for a 14-day free trial. Signing up only takes 20 seconds.

What happens if I miss out on this deal?

This is a temporary offer. Once it ends, you’ll have to pay $19/month, and there won’t be a lifetime deal anymore.

So start your free trial today to lock in the discounted price!

Will I automatically be billed after my free trial?

No, you won’t be billed after your free trial. We don’t even require a credit card, so there’s nothing you need to cancel.

So what are you waiting for? Get started with your free trial today and lock in the discounted price!

Are there setup fees or long-term contracts?

No, we don’t believe we need lock-in. And there are no setup fees or long-term contracts.

We do our best to be 100% transparent.

No surprises.

Do I get free updates?

Yes, everyone gets free updates for life. Even if you take advantage of the lifetime deal.

So get started with your free trial and make sure you don't miss out on this exclusive lifetime deal!

How does the guarantee work?

It’s simple, if you’re not satisfied with Peanutz for any reason, you can just send an email to and we’ll refund your entire payment right away. No questions asked.

I have another question

Do you still have a question or need help with something? My team and I would love to help you out.

Just send an email to and we’ll try to get back to you within one business day.
I’ll see you on the inside,
signature kyani heessels
Kyani Heessels
Chief Peanut
(Yes, that's my actual email address)

Try it for free

Start your free trial today and lock in the discounted price. This is a temporary offer. Once it ends, you’ll have to pay $19/month, and there won’t be a lifetime deal anymore.
Start my free trial
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No credit card required
Signup in less than 20s

P.S. still not sure? Let’s take a look at your options…

Option #1

You could choose to stick with your hard-to-use CRM, but you'll keep getting frustrated by bells and whistles getting in your way. And your team will waste valuable time on useless hassle and frustration.

But let’s be honest, you probably wouldn’t have read this far if you didn’t want to get rid of all that frustration and hassle. So let’s take a look at your other options.

Option #2

If you haven't already, you could try to use a spreadsheet to manage your contacts.

It seems like a good option at first, but you’ll quickly get overwhelmed because you can’t keep a good overview of your contacts, tasks, and interactions.

And you can’t even make notes longer than 5 words without messing up your entire layout. Let alone use it for reminders. So that won’t work either…

Option #3

You can try Peanutz for free, and see for yourself just how simple and easy it is to manage your contacts in the app. And you'll get rid of your frustrations because there are zero bells and whistles getting in your way.

That way, you and your entire team will save loads of valuable time and money without any hassle. And you can focus on growing your business to the next level.

Which option makes the most sense to you?

Which option makes the most sense to you? I thought so! Click the button below to sign up for your free 14-day trial and lock in the discounted price.

You've got nothing to lose thanks to our no questions asked 90-day-money-back guarantee. And we don't even ask for a credit card, so what are you waiting for?

Click the button below to start your free trial now.
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No credit card required
Signup in less than 20s
If you close this page and come back later, you risk paying a lot more for Peanutz. Start your  free trial now and get 53% off. Get it now so you don’t regret it later. See you inside, start your free trial now!
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